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How to get hassle-free insurance quotes.

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

A couple tries to work out their insurance cover
Getting the right insurance can be a battle

A better way to get your insurance quotes and comparisons without the hassles.

We all know that getting personal insurance can be a pain.

Some Broker sits in your living room and hard sells you on the insurance you "must have", telling you how terrible your life could be, how great they are and then uses a whole heap of jargon about premiums and benefits and underwriting and disclosures and TPD and IP and MRI and PMAR and.... the chances are that you will be no wiser when they leave than when they started. But now the Broker has you in their sights!

What are the other choices?

Comparison sites

  • Many people go online looking for insurance comparisons. The trouble with these is that when you give them your details the chances are that the people who run the site know nothing about insurance. They do know how to get you to give them your email or telephone number though!

  • Then they simply sell your details to a Broker. It is up to the Broker to contact you and get you to buy some insurance. And the Broker will push hard because the cost of buying your information is not cheap!

  • Nine out of ten people who use these sites are surprised when a Broker contacts them. Even though on the site - probably in really small writing - it says that they have agreed to be contacted by a Broker. We think this is just sneaky.

Automated sites

  • Now the automated sites will give you an idea of what you can get.

  • And we know (because we have tested them) that often the premiums or benefits they offer are simply wrong (and they will also often pass your info to a Broker!)

  • There are many important areas of insurance that they don't touch- like Mortgage Cover, Income protection or Health cover. They leave these out because they can be quite tricky to get right - especially for an algorithm.

So what are you doing?

  • We are (full disclosure here) Brokers . At Bold Insurance (the guys that run Insurance Shopper) we have been through all of this. And we figured there had to be a better way - for everybody.

  • And we came up with an idea to make it as simple as possible for you to get the right insurance without having to go through that whole hassle.

  • We took the best bits of what's available (comparison and automation) and added in human beings; Brokers with the expertise, knowledge and experience needed to make this insurance voodoo work and give you just the stuff that you need.

  • Because we are Brokers we have access to many insurers, we know their policies, the good ones and the 'other' ones and we always follow the rules and regulations (which is good news for you!)

Our Process

  • You fill in a form with some pretty basic information.

  • Based on what you have told us we structure your insurance cover using our experience and knowledge of the market.

  • Your quote is created by an actual person - an experienced licensed Broker because putting together your personal insurance cover is often as much art as science.

  • There are many ways to structure your cover and that can mean maybe taking a little more of this and less of that, ignoring some covers and focusing on others, massaging the quote to make it fit what you want and need. The best way to do that is with a real person. And that's what we do.

Feeling safe

We are making you some promises (and the cynical among you will just laugh but we really mean it!)

  1. We will NEVER pass your information on to anybody else! Your details are safe with us.

  2. We will never use your information to market to you or allow anybody else to do it.

  3. We GUARANTEE not to call you unless you ask us to! (but you can call us any time you like!)

What will you get?

  1. A complete set of quotes and all the information about the covers you are interested in from (in our opinion) the best most reputable Insurers.

  2. Depending upon what you want or need, we will structure quotes from at least two separate insurers so you can make the comparisons between them.

  3. You get all the information about the policies we recommend and why we have chosen them for you.

  4. If you are not sure about the quote, want some more information, have questions or just need a chat about what you really need, we are happy to talk to you and give you as much time and detail as you want. But (unless you ask us to) we ain't callin' you!

How much does this cost?

  • Nothing! This is all free! (no really!) We will never charge you a cent.

  • There is never an obligation to take any insurance, accept our recommendation or even contact us if you don't want to.

We are doing this because we want to put the decisions and choices back into your hands. But with Insurance Shopper you are not on your own. We are always here to help.

We know what you need and should have to protect your future but we also know that you can make your own decisions and it's your life, so what you decide to do with it is up to you!




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Ellerslie Auckland

Insurance Shopper is a subsidiary of Bold Insurance which is a licensed Financial Adviser (FSP: 1000372) All advice is provided by licensed Financial Advisers and is based solely on the information you have given us. We comply with the FMA Code of Ethics and all your information is protected by the Privacy Act.

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